Tunis Events Calendar: Week of September 30-October 6, 2019

Rooftop of a shop in the medina, the old city of Tunis, that had previously been the residence of one of the beys, on September 1, 2019. Photo by Fadil Aliriza.

Every Monday, Meshkal compiles a calendar of political, cultural, and economic events taking place in Tunis for the week. No events included appear to require an entry fee except for Dream City events. Some events are announced during the week and so may not be included at the time the events calendar is published.

Monday, September 30:

10:00 – Press conference by IWatch releasing its report on the first two weeks of its election campaign monitoring project looking at the legislative elections. Location: Hotel Africa.

20:00 – First night of candidates debates for the October 6 legislative elections. The debate organizers, Munathara Initiative, will be hosting the debates with simultaneous translation into English and French. Reservation in advance is reuested by emailing media@Munathara.com. Location: 11 Bis Impasse Casablanca par, Avenue Fattouma Bourgiba, La Soukra 2036

Tuesday, October 1:

8:30 – Daylong conference on the topic of “Promoting equality of opportunity between women and men in the management of local affairs.” Event program indicates it will host the minister of local affairs and the minister of women, family, childhood and elderly. Location: Hotel Mechtel Golden Tulip.

10:00 – Press conference on the topic of “The Right of Access to Information”, hosted by an organization called “Democratic Transition & Human Rights Support – DAAM.” Location: Headquarters of Tunisia’s Journalist syndicate, SNJT.

20:00 – Second night of candidates debates for the October 6 legislative elections. The debate organizers, Munathara Initiative, will be hosting the debates with simultaneous translation into English and French. Reservation in advance is reuested by emailing media@Munathara.com. Location: 11 Bis Impasse Casablanca par, Avenue Fattouma Bourgiba, La Soukra 2036

Wednesday, October 2:

??:?? – The appeals court of Tunis is scheduled to examine, once again, the request of Nabil Karoui to be released from prison, his lawyer told AFP and other news outlets.

20:00 – Third night of candidates debates for the October 6 legislative elections. The debate organizers, Munathara Initiative, will be hosting the debates with simultaneous translation into English and French. Reservation in advance is reuested by emailing media@Munathara.com. Location: 11 Bis Impasse Casablanca par, Avenue Fattouma Bourgiba, La Soukra 2036

Friday, October 4:

12:00 – Beginning of Dream City, an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. The event includes multiple events and will run until October 13. For full information on events, locations, times and tickets, see the online program at https://2019.dreamcity.tn/.

Saturday, October 5:

XX:XX – Continuation of Dream City, an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. The event includes multiple events and will run until October 13. For full information on events, locations, times and tickets, see the online program at https://2019.dreamcity.tn.

Sunday, October 6:

8:00 – National legislative elections for the Assembly of the Representatives of the People

XX:XX – Continuation of Dream City, an annual multidisciplinary arts festival. The event includes multiple events and will run until October 13. For full information on events, locations, times and tickets, see the online program at https://2019.dreamcity.tn.