Tunis Events Calendar: Week of November 11-17, 2019

A bambalouni stand by the beach in Kelibia, September 28, 2019. Photo by George Gale.

Every Monday, Meshkal compiles a calendar of political, cultural, and economic events taking place in Tunis for the week. No events included appear to require an entry fee. Some events are announced during the week and so may not be included at the time the events calendar is published.

Monday, November 11:

9:00 – Italian-Tunisian business forum hosted by the Medenine branch of UTICA. Location: UTICA headquarters.

Tuesday, November 12:

10:00 – Presentation by journalist Mayada Shili on a magazine she launched focusing on the Mediterranean. Location: Diocesan Library, Rue Sidi Saber, 9, 1008 Tunis

17:00 – Book presentation by author Hatem Nafti of his soon to be published book “De La Revolution À La Restauration Ou Va La Tunisie?”. Location: Al Kitab bookshop, Bourguiba Avenue downtown.

Wednesday, November 13:

9:00 – Organized by Aswat Nissa, the #EnaZeda campaign is planning to meet in front of the Assembly of People’s Representatives, apparently in protest of sexual harassers and sexual violence, shortly before a plenary (full) session of parliament where the newly elected members will take their oaths. One of the elected members of parliament who has yet to take up his post in the new parliament, Zouheir Maklhouf, is alleged to have sexually harassed a 19-year-old woman in Nabeul on October 10 and this case has created a media storm. For more background on #EnaZeda, read Meshkal’s report on the issue.

10:00 – Plenary (full) session of the Assembly of People’s Representative where new legislators will take their oaths.

9:00 – A series of presentations analyzing the recent election results is being hosted by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the Tunisian Democratic Transition Observatory. Registration is requested in advance for those wishing to attend. Location: Hotel Majestic.

Thursday, November 14:

17:30 – A lecture on the topic of “When the law interferes in people’s most intimate choice,” by law professor Wahid Ferchichi. Lecture will be in French. Location: IRMC.

Friday, November 15:

16:00 – Environmental activist Houssem Hamdiwill be leading a discussion aimed at giving the floor to teenagers to discuss climate change. Location: L’institut français de Tunisie.

Saturday, November 16:

9:30 – Debate on the topic of “Kais Saied: the phenomenon and what’s behind it,” hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Location: El Teatro, Belvedere.