Tunis Events Calendar: Week of May 20, 2019 – May 26, 2019

Main photo: A bougainvillea vine, common to Tunisia, in Hammamet, Friday May 17. Photo by Meshkal news team.

Tunis Events Calendar: Week of May 20, 2019 – May 26, 2019

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tunis – Meshkal news team

Meshkal has compiled a calendar of political, cultural, and economic events taking place in Tunis this week.

Monday, May 20:

9:30 – Parliament’s Industry, Energy, Natural Resources, Infrastructure, and Environment Committee is holding a hearing with the Minister of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises on draft law No31/2019 Projet de loi N° 31/2019 approving an agreement relating to an exploitation of the petroleum concession of “Halk El Menzel,” according to Marsad Majles, the parliamentary watchdog project of NGO Al Bawsala.

10:00 – Parliament’s General Legislation Committee will hold a hearing with the Minister of Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises on draft law No43/2018 on personal property, according to Marsad Majles, the parliamentary watchdog project of NGO Al Bawsala.

10:00 – Parliament’s Committee on Issues of Tunisians Abroad is holding a discussion on the way the diaspora can contribute to development and investment, according to Marsad Majles, the parliamentary watchdog project of NGO Al Bawsala.

Tuesday, May 21:

9:00? – Parliament’s Electoral Committee is holding a meeting, according to the official parliamentary website.

21:00 – Virtual panel discussion hosted by IWatch on the question of “What is the impact of corruption on the purchasing power of the Tunisian citizen?”. Panelists include Khaled al-Arak, Vice President of the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fishin (UTAP), Abdelkhalek al-Ajlani, member of the executive board of UTAP, a representative of the Ministry of Commerce, a representative of the Economic Research Bureau. Discussion will be moderated by Akram Barouni vice president of the Consumer Defense Organization.

Wednesday, May 22:

9:00? – Parliament’s Committee on Youth and Cultural Affairs, Education and Scientific Research is holding a meeting, according to the official parliamentary website.

9:00? – Parliament’s General Legislation Committee is holding a hearing, according to the official parliamentary website.

22:00 – Film screenings of politically engaged films are being screened at CinéMadart by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s North African office in their annual Ciné Social event. Showings begin at 10 p.m. Reservations are necessary and can be made by calling 29402235. Wednesday’s show is “#Manich_Msamah Generation,” directed by Nawaat.

Thursday, May 23:

9:00? – Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture, Food Security, Trade and Related Services will hold a meeting, according to the official parliamentary website.

21:00 – Discussion on decentralization in Tunisia, billed to feature elected municipal council members, representatives of ministries, specialists, and civil society focusing on decentralization, hosted by the International Development Center for Innovative Local Governance (CILG VNG). Location: Tunis Arena, Lac 1

21:30 – Conference debate on “Tunisia and ALECA: Are we ready for this agreement?” hosted by Qadiroun. Location: Novotel Hotel, Tunis.

21:30 – Seminar on “The Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement [ALECA] project between Tunisia and the European Union: What implications for the Tunisian economy?” organized by the Women and Youth section of the UGTT in partnership with the Association for Economic and Social Research (ARES). The event will feature the launching of the “National Coordination to Block ALECA” and an opening address by the UGTT secretary general Noureddine Taboubi. Location: UGTT headquarters, Ahmed Tlili hall.

21:30 – Book presentation by author Mahmoud Sami Nabi of his book “Making the Tunisian Resurgence” focusing on Tunisia’s economy. The event is hosted by the political party Afek Tounes. Locaiton: Afek Tounes Headquarters,12 bis , rue el imam muslim31, Ariana, Tunisia

22:00 – Film screenings of “Agroecology in the Oasis of Chenini,” by Sonia Ben Messaoud and Laetitia Martin; and “Couscous: The Seeds of Dignity” by Habib Ayeb at CinéMadart hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s North African office in their annual Ciné Social event.

Friday, May 24:

21:30 – The Forum for the Academy of Politics is hosting a panel on the Geopolitics of the Countries of the Maghreb at Hotel Concorde in Berges du Lac.

22:00 – Film screenings of “Deportato” by Hammadi Lessoued (Fides and Nawaat); “Municipals” by Youssef Asswad; and “Everything is Okay Lella ?!” by Rabeb Mbarki at CinéMadart hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s North African office in their annual Ciné Social event.

Saturday, May 25:

22:00 – Film screening of “Voices of Kasserine” by Olfa Lamloum and Michel Tabet (International Alert) at CinéMadart hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s North African office in their annual Ciné Social event.

Sunday, May 26:

22:00 – Film screenings of “Revolt of the Mining Basin and Transitional Justice” by Callum Francis Hugh (Amnesty International); and “Majadhib” by Chiraz Bouzidi at CinéMadart hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s North African office in their annual Ciné Social event.