Tunis Events Calendar: Week of July 29 – August 4, 2019

A table and column at the Safsaf café in La Marsa, May 26, 2019. Photo by Fadil Aliriza.

Meshkal has compiled a calendar of political, cultural, and economic events taking place in Tunis this week. No Tunis events included appear to require an entry fee. Some events are announced during the week and so may not be included at the time the events calendar is published.

Monday, July 29:

9:00 – Roundtable discussing a new publication by the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) on the topic of migration. Location: FTDES office 47, Avenue Farhat Hached, Tunis.

Tuesday, July 30:

9:00 – Parliament is holding a full session (plenary session)  for two days to examine: law No45/2019 approving the financing by the Islamic Development Bank for a natural gas transportation project; law No31/2019 approving an agreement relating to an exploitation of the petroleum concession of “Halk El Menzel;” law No44/2019 approving a financing agreement from the Saudi Fund for Development on a project to protect cities from floods; law No42/2019 on the licensing and capitalization of the Tunisia Road Company; law No15/2019 approving the financing of two projects by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; law No28/2019 approving the financing by the French Development Agency for an e-health program; law No41/2019 on patients’ rights and medical liability, according to a schedule posted to Facebook by the Ennahdha’ party bloc’s Facebook page.

9:00 – Seminar hosted by the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) on the topic of “Textile Workers: Victims of Sudden Closure and the Rights to Health Coverage” in coordination with the Ministry of Social Affairs. Location: FTDES office 47, Avenue Farhat Hached, Tunis.

9:00 – A presentation of the campaign “Blue Heart” against human trafficking is being hosted by the Tunisian state’s National Anti-Trafficking Body in coordination with UN agencies and international NGOs. July 30 marks the annual World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Location: Mechtel Golden Tulip Hotel.

Wednesday, July 31:

9:00? – Parliament’s Committee on Regional Development is holding a meeting on an unspecified topic at an unspecified time, according to the official parliamentary website.

9:00 – According to to a schedule posted to Facebook by the Ennahdha’ party bloc’s Facebook page, parliament is holding a full session (plenary session) for two days to examine several laws. This schedule has not been included as of publication on parliament’s official website. The laws to be examined, according to the Facebook post, include: law No45/2019 approving the financing by the Islamic Development Bank for a natural gas transportation project; law No31/2019 approving an agreement relating to an exploitation of the petroleum concession of “Halk El Menzel;” law No44/2019 approving a financing agreement from the Saudi Fund for Development on a project to protect cities from floods; law No42/2019 on the licensing and capitalization of the Tunisia Road Company; law No15/2019 approving the financing of two projects by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; law No28/2019 approving the financing by the French Development Agency for an e-health program; law No41/2019 on patients’ rights and medical liability.

Saturday, August 3:

9:00 – Press conference on the results of a discussion on a green electoral program, hosted by RAJ Tunisie. Location Hotel Majestic.