
“Work, Freedom, National Dignity” was a prominent slogan in the 2011 uprising.

Articles in this section relate to questions about work, commerce, trade, and prices.

Women Agricultural Workers Demand Social Security Benefits

The Grim Economy of Migrant Camps in Tunisia

Women Working the Land: In Conversation with Dhouha Djerbi

Hundreds of School Principals Quit over Colleagues’ Firing

Blue Crabs and Fisherfolk: Turning a Curse into Opportunity

Food Shortages as Lenders “Suffocate” Tunisia

Government Raises Consumer Prices to “Appease” IMF, Some Claim

“Who’s Next?” Neighbors Ask After Another Deadly Police Encounter

Half of Tunis Families Can’t Afford a Dignified Life, Study Finds

For Those Hurt by Covid Lockdowns, Government Offers Little Help