Tunis Events Calendar: Week of May 27, 2019 – June 2, 2019

Main photo: A detail of a tile decoration on the wall of a private home in Marsa, Tunis, May 26, 2019. Photo by Meshkal news team.

Tunis Events Calendar: Week of May 27, 2019 – June 2, 2019

Monday, May 27, 2019

Tunis – Meshkal news team

Meshkal has compiled a calendar of political, cultural, and economic events taking place in Tunis this week. No events included require payment.

Monday, May 27:

11:00 – Parliament’s Committee on Rights, Liberties, and External Relations is scheduled to hold a hearing with the head of the National Anti-Corruption Authority (INLUCC by its French acronym) discussing Law08/2018 approving Tunisia’s adherence to the African Union convention on the prevention of and fight against corruption, according to Marsad Majles, the parliamentary watchdog project of NGO Al Bawsala.

Tuesday, May 28: 

9:00 – Seminar on the history of Jews in Tunisia, hosted by Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain (IRMC) and coorganized with the Society of the History of Jews in Tunisia (SHJT) in partnership with the “Laboratoire du Patrimoine [Heritage Laboratory]” of Manouba University. Location: IRMC, 20, rue Mohamed Ali Tahar, 1002 Mutuelleville, Ariana, Tunisia

9:00? – Parliament’s Electoral Committee is scheduled to hold a meeting, according to the official parliamentary website.

9:00? – Parliament’s Committee on Administrative Reform, Good Governance, Anti-Corruption and Oversight of Public Finance Management is scheduled to hold a meeting, according to the official parliamentary website.

21:30 – Presentation of a study on “Individual Liberties of Foreigners and Foreigners in Tunisia” by Souhayma Ben Achour hosted by the Tunisian Association Defending Individual Liberties (ADLI) with the support of the Heinrich Boll Foundation. Location: Dar Bach Hamba, rue Koutab Louzir dans la Médina de Tunis.

Wednesday, May 29:

21:30 – Debate on the topic of “Is populism our fate?” hosted by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Tunisia and the Tunisian National Theatre. Debate scheduled to be moderated by Haythem el Mekki. Location: Le 4ème Art, 27, Avenue de Paris, 1000 Tunis, Tunisia

22:00 – Meeting of Aswat Nissa’s fourth Feminist Book Club, discussing the book “l’Enfant de sable” by Moroccan author Tahar Ben Jalloun. Location: Medina Tunis.

22:00 – Walking tour of the Medina showcasing its 14th century resident, the famous social scientist Ibn Khaldun, hosted by the Tunisian Association for Heritage and Environment (L’Association Tunisienne Patrimoine et Environnement). Location Dar el Medina hotel, Medina

Thursday, May 30:

21:30 – Award ceremony for the Najiba Hamrouni North African Award for Journalism Ethics, hosted by the association “Vigilance for Democracy and a Civil State.” Location: Le Rio cinema, 92 rue Radhia Haddad, Ex 92 rue de Yougoslavie Tunis 1001.

22:00 – Opening of a month-long exhibition of expressionist film posters in the German language from the period before 1945. Organized by the Goethe Institute Tunis in partnership with the Austrian Embassy in Tunis. Location: CinéMadart cinema, Carthage, Tunis.

Friday, May 31: 

21:30 – Book presentation and debate on the book “Quand les jeunes parlent d’injustice [When young people talk about injustice]” by authors Imed Melliti, Hayat Moussa. Hosted by the NGOs Sentiers and Beity. Location: Beity Association, rue Mosmar el-qas3a, Tunis Medina.